The Intermixture of Percussion in Latin American Chamber Music

Within the context of Latin American chamber music there is a small subset of compositions that are distinguished by their use of percussion. However, when percussion is added to smaller ensembles its purpose—rather than mainly rhythmic or dynamic—is to create or suggest a particular soundscape or dramatic element. Perhaps the first work in this category …

Instrumental Music in 19th Century Venezuela, Part One.

Not only in Venezuela, but also throughout Latin America, 19th century secular music was largely dominated by opera and to a lesser extent, zarzuela and ballet. Indeed, at the beginning of that century the citizens of Caracas were treated to season after season of foreign troupes that staged a mostly well-worn repertory of dramatic works …


I’m glad to see you here! With this post I am officially inaugurating a blog that has its purpose the appreciation of Latin American classical music in its various manifestations. In these pages, I want to explore this music not only as a tangible cultural artifact that can be objectively studied, but also the extent …