Tag «pan-americanism»

Pioneers of Musical Pan-Americanism: Paul H. Apel

Paul Herman Apel was born in 1882 in the central German city of Gottingen. Departing from Hamburg, Germany, on board the S. S. Pretoria, he arrived in New York City on May 7, 1899. The passenger manifest noted that Apel’s ticket had been purchased by his mother, Antoinette Apel, and that his final destination was …

What Has Happened to Musical Pan-Americanism?

Fifty-nine years ago today, on Sunday, April 23, 1961, at 8:30 p.m., the Philadelphia Woodwind Quintet presented a program at the Coolidge Auditorium of the Library of Congress that consisted of four works that had been written by Latin American composers. All of the works performed were world premieres, and of the four, two had …